Friday, April 13, 2007

Double feature of horrors at the Grindhouse Fest

I seriously love,love,love the Grindhouse film festival. Every single film has been amazing there. Well, maybe not the films themselves but the experience of watching them with this audience has been. I have seen everything from sexploitation to kung fu films to Grindhouse (the film) at this film fest and every single one has been nothing short of amazing. It's going to be a bummer seeing the film fest end and then being only able to go once a month. I really hope they do the film fest again next year.

I went to the Grindhouse fest the other night to watch a double bill of horror films. The first film was Slithis and the second one was Screams of a Winter Night. Both films were amazing in their own odd way. The audience was rowdy and tons of fun. Everything was just a lot of fun.

Nothing much can be said but this night was probably one of the funnest if not the funnest night I have had there.

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