Its 3:10 am and I am trying to stay up all night that way I can watch the nominations being announced at 5:30. are my predictions for the nominations just because I find them fun to do.
Best PictureDiving Bell and the Butterfly
Into the Wild
No Country For Old Men
There Will be Blood
Might Sneak in: Atonement, Sweeney Todd, Michael Clayton
Might be the biggest surprise/shocker (!!) - Atonement will not get a nomination. Maybe even some out of left field best picture nomination for Eastern Promises.
Best DirectorTim Burton - Sweeney Todd
Joel Coen - No Country For Old Men
Sean Penn - Into the Wild
Julian Schnabel - Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Paul Thomas Anderson - There will be Blood
Might sneak in: Joe Wright for Atonement
Might be the biggest surprise/shocker (!!): Jason Reitman gets a nomination for Juno OR Cronenberg gets a nomination.
Best ActorGeorge Clooney - Michael Clayton
Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will be Blood
Johnny Depp - Sweeney Todd
Ryan Gosling - Lars and the Real Girl
Viggo Mortensen - Eastern Promises
Might sneak in: Emile Hirsch for Into the Wild
Biggest surprise/shocker (!!) - If Gosling gets in everyone will proclaim this to be a shocker. I will instead be shocked if they were to replace one of my other 4 pics for Hirsch since I feel that its Gosling vs Hirsch at the moment for the 5th spot. The other big shocker will be McAvoy getting in.
Best ActressAmy Adams for Enchanted
Julie Christie - Away From Her
Marion Coiltarrd - La Vie en Rose
Angelina Jolie - A Mighty Heart
Ellen Page - Juno
Might sneak in: this is a hard one. I put Adams up just because I think the strong BO of Enchanted and the fact that she jumped up to the A list and became an "it girl" because of that performance gives her a little, tiny, bit more of a chance. Saying that there are so many that can get the 5th spot. Linney, Blonsky, Knightley, Carter, and my friend just remined me of Blanchett just now. So, her too. I will be very curious to see who makes it.
Shocker: Blanchett gets in.
Best Supporting ActorCassey Affleck - The Assisignation of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Javier Bardem - No Country for Old Men
Hal Holbrook - Into the Wild
Tommy Lee Jones - No Country for Old Men
Tom Wilkinson - Michael Clayton
Might sneak in - Paul Dano?
Shocker - Paul Dano?
Best Supporting ActressCate Blanchett - I'm Not There
Ruby Dee - American Gangster
Sairose Ronan - Atonement
Amy Ryan - Gone Baby Gone
Tilda Swinton - Michael Clayton
Might sneak in: Catherine Keener for Into the Wild/Kelly MacDonald for No Country
Shocker - Jennifer Garner for Juno
Best Screenplay (dont want to go get the names. Sorry)Juno
Lars and the Real Girl
Michael Clayton
The Savages
Best adapted Screenplay (dont want to go get the names. Sorry)
Diving Bell and the Butterfly
No Country for Old Men
Into the Wild
There Will be Blood
Best Animated FilmPersepolis
The Simpsons Movie
Best CinematographyRoger Deakins - The Assignation of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Roger Deakins - No Country For Old Men
Robert Elswitt - There Will be Blood
Janusz Kaminski - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Dariuz Wolski - Sweeney Todd
Best Foreign FilmUmmmm 4 other movies and The Counterfeiters. I am out of the loop with this catagory and all the films that I could have sworn would get nominations became ineligible.
Best Original Score I am going to play the "fuck them" card in this one and not even pick anyone who I think deserves a nomination. After reading about how Jonny Greenwoods brilliant and best score of last year became ineligible for such bullshit reasons, I could care less about this category this year. It may seem like I am bitching too much or being melodramatic but I just really don't care.
I know that I left out a lot of categories, the biggest maybe being Best Documentary, but thats jsut due to me not knowing too much about them, being too lazy, or me really not caring all that much about the category (I'm just being honest).
I will, however, say that I am really looking forward to seeing if Falling Down from Once will make it. I'm rooting for it but I dont know if it became ineligible or not.
And thats that. I cant wait to tune in in about 2 hours. I know I will be nervous, giddy, mad, and happy within the course of 30 minutes, but I look forward to it every single year. I really cant wait.